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Ugborough Primary School

Ugborough Primary School


Please see below information relating to our school learning. You will be invited to a 'Meet the Teacher' meeting at the start of each academic year to receive an overview of all the learning that lies ahead, together with practical information about organisation and routines. You will then receive a Curriculum Map at the start of each term, with details about the teaching and learning that is planned for the following weeks. 

FS Summer 2024 Curriculum Map

Y1 Summer 2024 Curriculum Map

Y2 Summer 2024 Curriculum Map

Y3 Summer 2024 Curriculum Map

Y4 Summer 2024 Curriculum Map

Y5/6 Summer 2024 Curriculum Map

Y 5-6 AUTUMN 2023

Y 4 AUTUMN 2023

Y3 AUTUMN 2023

Y2 AUTUMN 2023

Y1 AUTUMN 2023


EYFS Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Map

Year 1 Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Map

Year 2 Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Map

Year 3 Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Map

Year 4 Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Map

Year 5/6 Spring Term 2024 Curriculum Map

If you have any questions or queries regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

In addition, you can read more about the National Curriculum for England by following the link below.


At Ugborough Primary we will be starting the Opening Worlds Curriculum for History, Geography and RE in the Autumn (2023)

Opening Worlds has been written and designed by Christine Counsell and Steve Mastin

In maths we follow the White Rose Maths curriculum and progression maps.


For our Early Reading we follow Read Write Inc- Ruth Miskin.

Read Write Inc. for Parents


EYFS Information:

Intent, Implementation, and Impact Document for Ugborough Primary School Early Years Foundation Stage:


At Ugborough Primary School, our intent is to provide a rich and stimulating learning environment that supports young learners in developing a broad knowledge base across the seven areas of learning. We place a particular emphasis on early reading and maths skills, ensuring that children receive daily and systematic instruction in these key areas. Our goal is to foster a love for learning, curiosity, and a solid foundation for future academic success. By focusing on seasonal changes and celebrations, we aim to make learning relevant and engaging for our pupils.


Our curriculum at Ugborough Primary School is designed to be progressive and cumulative, building upon children's prior knowledge and skills. Through carefully planned lessons and activities, we deliver the Early Years Statutory Framework, with a strong emphasis on early reading and maths. Children engage in daily reading and maths sessions that are tailored to their individual needs, ensuring that they make steady progress.


To measure the impact of our teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage, we conduct half-termly Read, Write, Inc assessments to track children's progress in reading and writing. In addition, we regularly observe and work alongside children in the learning environment to provide targeted support and guidance. By assessing children's development through guided tasks and activities, we can evaluate the impact of our curriculum and teaching methods, ensuring that every child receives the support they need to thrive academically and socially.

By following this approach, Ugborough Primary School aims to provide a high-quality Early Years education that equips children with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their educational journey and beyond.